Pseudicius encarpatus (Walckenaer, 1802)

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Description of Pseudicius encarpatus

Physical Characteristics

Female 5 to 7 mm.
Abdomen dark brown with white V-shaped spots and white points in the centre. Surrounded by a white band.
Carapace dark brown with a faint light pattern and a broad white band around.
Legs light-dark annulated.
Palps white haired.

Male 4.5 to 6 mm.
Abdomen dark brown to black with two broad white longitudinal bands.
Caparax dark brown to black with a white median band and white band around.
Legs brown-black annulated. Pair of legs I thickened and almost black in colour.
Palps dark with light hair.


On the bark of trees and on shrubs. Sometimes on the ground, under stones or moss.


Widespread in Europe, but quite rare.


Almost all year.